Thursday, September 17, 2009

Watch out, Logan, Utah!

The Logan Marathon is less than 24 hours away. Many thoughts are flitting through my head: "Why did I sign up for this marathon? Why do people pay good money to be put through pain? Did I train enough? Should I have eaten those pinto beans last night? Am I going to die?"

People have died during/after a marathon. The thought of my heart giving out after a 26.2 mile run used to frighten me, but now I'm starting to think it may be a good way to go. At least I'd die with a finisher's medal around my neck, and I'd probably get in the newspaper. But I digress . . .

I am trying to rest my legs for Saturday morning. I have not run now for almost 3 days. I cheated a little bit today though and ran alongside, Carson, who is still learning to ride his 2 wheeler bicycle. He ran into me a couple of times with his bicycle, I almost twisted my ankle falling off the sidewalk trying to save him, and I think I may have thrown my back out leaning over to help him steer. Probably not the best choice of activities before a marathon.

P.S. I am also having pains in my right knee and the arch of my left foot today. Hopefully they are phantom pains and not reasons to see an orthopedic surgeon! You'll hear from me after the marathon! For those of you that know me well -- I am bringing a pair of gloves -- just in case!


  1. Good Luck. Hope you don't shit yourself.

  2. Reuben,
    Reading your good luck wish did not boost my positive pre-race thinking! Hopefully I will have good news for you after the race.

  3. Good luck Vanessa, and you can wave hi to my sister in law, kathy, while you run. :-D You marathoners are a little crazy, but totally awesome too.
