Friday, February 19, 2010

Runner's Mouth

When I am on a long run, I lose all sense of appropriate social behavior. I talk about topics considered taboo in real life. I somehow deplete so much fuel that it starts to affect my brain, as well as my body. Running is almost like truth serum --you just say it like it is!

Last Saturday the topic of mammograms surfaced at about Mile #8. I was already feeling drained -- physically and mentally. I started laughing hysterically about the thoughts of my first mammogram and then said something like, "Oh, yeah. I'll go in for my mammogram and the doctor will say, 'Umm, sorry ma'am, we don't have anything set up for the likes of you. There is no way to get those things into our machine! Sorry!"

I mean REALLY! Who says stuff like that? Especially when all the runners aren't female. I just hope no one ever brings up the topic of "hemorroids." Who knows what I'd say about that one!!


  1. I hear ya, Ness. I was discussing this phenomenon with Bryan. I've given way too many details of my life on miles 8-12.

  2. You know, I am the same way. I prefer to think of it as a "throw up conversationalist." It all comes out whether I want it to our not. And, it's not pretty. :) And, let's go on a run. I've been wanting to discuss hemorrhoids with someone. Looks like you're my pick!
